The Assembly Line – TOUR PRANKS
In this Tour Pranks segment, the pop rock band, The Assembly Line, shares a prank from the road. You can read their story, after the break.

In this Tour Pranks segment, the pop rock band, The Assembly Line, shares a prank from the road. You can read their story, after the break.
One time, we were headed down to Baltimore for a show and Zach – our bassist – was asleep in the backseat of my sweet 2003 Toyota Camry. I was driving and decided to use the photo app, FatBooth, where you can take a picture and make someone look fat after some editing. Now I don’t recommend anyone do what I did because taking prank photos while speeding down a freeway is not safe.
Anyway, I took the photo and we all started cracking up at the result. Then Zach woke up and we showed him the fat pic. We told him that’s what he looked like while he slept and he was just completely disgusted. He looked absolutely hideous in the photo and he believed it was real. We had him going for like 3 months after that. He was so paranoid and went on some diets. He couldn’t figure out how he could possible look like that when he sleeps. Best prank ever.