This crazy story from the road was written by the rock band, The Bloodline. You can check out their story, after the break.

This crazy story from the road was written by the rock band, The Bloodline. You can check out their story, after the break.
I’m sure each member of the band has their fair share of crazy tour stories as we all have toured extensively prior to The Bloodline. One that always makes us laugh is when I (Frankie the drummer) left all my clothes at a venue in Houston, as well as my cell phone.
So this particular venue had a laundry facility which is always a plus while being on the road. So I took advantage of that, brought my clothes in and had everything all done before doors were open. It was a great day so far.
So we play the show and that went great, and after I’m at our merch table during the walk out and this girl offers to buy me a shot. I have a never been one to say no to a shot, so I go and we have a shot of JD then get to talking. She invites me out with her and her good friend to a bar down the street. I agree to go and tell guys that I’ll be back before bus call.
Welllll, I guess you could say I had a few too many that night. All I remember is doing a bunch of double shots of JD and getting back into the car. Well, I ended up blacking out needless to say. I got back to the bus and had to be practically carried in. I woke up the next morning in San Antonio 5 hours away and all I had been the clothes on my back and what was in my pockets. I left all my fresh clean clothes in the venue and my cell phone in the back of the girls car. Ugh. It was a brutal night I guess thankfully I had my The sad thing is I never got the other stuff back.
Touring with GWAR for the 25th-anniversary tour was one big crazy tour story itself. Such an honor to tour with those guys. Dave and Corey were great guys and I was very sad to see them pass.