Tribe Society – DREAM TOUR
In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative band, Tribe Society, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.

In this Dream Tour segment, the alternative band, Tribe Society, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
The ideal tour to us would be a constant stream of physical energy and mental stimulation. We like artists who have something to say.
Shows are a lot more exciting when there is a common interest shared between artist and crowd that’s more than just “hey, I like the beat and the melody you used on this one”. That being said, here are some of the artists both now and past we would be psyched to share a stage with.
Kendrick Lamar – His last record, to Pimp a Butterfly is “honest, fearful and unapologetic”. Here’s a guy that had a number 1 record debut with several top 40 singles and a huge celebrity status. He could have played it safe and hired top 10 producers to sell another billion records. Instead, he organized some of the most interesting and creative minds in the industry and used the platform to speak up against racial inequality. His shows are so charged up with his passion that he turns minds and opens eyes every night, accomplishing way more than a simple great performance.
Rage Against the Machine – So frustrated with the system of an omnipotent government that they rarely had the space to write about anything else. Aside from their explosive instrumentation, the raw emotion that comes through Zack’s voice brings the crowd to his level of frenzied electricity.
Jimi Hendrix – First off, he’s Jimi Hendrix. Who wouldn’t want to be on the same bill as Jimi Hendrix? The man also had a way deeper vision than just being incredible on guitar. In an era where war was the word on everyone’s lips, Jimi did a great job of asking “why?” and helped to create an unrest with the cause of ending violence.
Sex pistols – The sex pistols weren’t so much a band as they were a call to arms and the voice of anarchy. Sid Vicious at one point even said that he wasn’t into music, he was into chaos. Did they ever even finish a show before trashing the stage and themselves? Pretty exciting.
We’re not necessarily pissed off at everything but there are definitely a lot of parts in our world that have gone completely sideways. The artists we grew up with had something to say, which added an entire dimension to music that’s hard to find these days and shows with an inclusive, electric feel. That’s a really exciting thing to be a part of.
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