Features Pretty Vicious – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Pretty Vicious, gives you their top tips for being on tour.
Features Sufferer – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Sufferer, give you their top tips for being on tour.
Features Nothing’s Aaron Heard – GEAR MASTERS Ep. 247 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Gear Masters”, Aaron Heard, bassist for the rock band, Nothing, shows off the gear that he uses onstage, while on tour with Culture Abuse, Swirlies, Big Bite and SMUT.
Cassia Cassia – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, Cassia, give you their advice for being on the road.
Bus Invaders The Candescents – BUS INVADERS Ep. 1358 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the rock band, The Candescents, while on tour with We Are Scientists.
Features Spirit Animal – TOUR TIPS (Top 5) Ep. 671 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Tour Tips (Top 5)”, the rock band, Spirit Animal, recommends their tips for being on tour, while on tour with The Struts and The Glorious Sons.
As Cities Burn Silverstein Announces “When Broken Is Easily Fixed 15 Year Anniversary Tour” The post-hardcore band, Silverstein, has announced a North American tour to celebration the 15th anniversary of their album, When Broken is Easily Fixed, for November and December.
Features Spirit Animal – FIRST CONCERT EVER Ep. 51 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “First Concert Ever”, the rock band, Spirit Animal, chats about the first concerts they ever went to, while on tour with The Struts and The Glorious Sons.
Bus Invaders The Unlikely Candidates – BUS INVADERS Ep. 1334 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the rock band, The Unlikely Candidates, while on tour with Brick + Mortar.
Dream Tour No Sleep For Lucy – DREAM TOUR In this Dream Tour segment, the rock band, No Sleep For Lucy, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup.
News Toto Announces Headlining North American Tour The rock band, Toto, has announced a North American tour, called the “40 Trips Around The Sun Tour”, for July through November. The tour is in support of their 40th anniversary.
Christopher Shayne Christopher Shayne – FIRST CONCERT EVER In this First Concert Ever segment, Christopher Shayne of the rock band, Christopher Shayne, talks about his first concert ever.
Cooking at 65mph Spirit Animal Makes Their Tour Health Shake – COOKING AT 65MPH Ep. 32 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Cooking at 65mph”, Steve Cooper, singer of the rock band, Spirit Animal, prepares a healthy shake in his band’s van, while on tour with The Struts and The Glorious Sons. Spirit Animal is currently supporting the upcoming release of their newest album, Born Yesterday, on Aug
Crazy Tour Stories You (UK) – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, You (UK), talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.
Features The Zealots – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, The Zealots, give you their tips for being on tour.
Bus Invaders Pullman Standard – BUS INVADERS Ep. 1299 [VIDEO] On this episode of DTB’s “Bus Invaders”, we take you inside the touring vehicle of the rock band, Pullman Standard. The band is currently supporting their newest record, Diamond Hearts.
Features White Dominos – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the rock band, White Dominos, give you their tips for being on tour.
Features Spider Rockets – PRESHOW RITUALS In this Preshow Rituals segment, the rock band, Spider Rockets, share what they do before every show.
cleopatrick cleopatrick – DREAM TOUR In this Dream Tour segment, the rock duo, cleopatrick, let you know who they would like on their ultimate tour lineup. You can check out the feature, after the break.
Crazy Tour Stories The Ramona Flowers – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, The Ramona Flowers, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.
Crazy Tour Stories First Ghost – CRAZY TOUR STORIES In this Crazy Tour Stories segment, the rock band, First Ghost, talk about some of their crazy moments from touring.
Billy Rafoul NEEDTOBREATHE Announces “Forever on Your Side Tour” The rock band, NEEDTOBREATHE, has announced a North American tour, called the “Forever on Your Side Tour”, for August through October. Johnnyswim, Billy Rafoul, Forest Blakk, and The Rocketboys will join the tour, as support.
Features Ocean Alley – TOUR TIPS In this Tour Tips segment, the rock/reggae band, Ocean Alley, give you their tips for being on tour.
Features Stevie Burr – FIRST CONCERT EVER In this First Concert Ever segment, the rock artist, Stevie Burr, talks about his first concert ever.